Unbanned Bible Publications

Defending God’s Truth in Church Doctrine and Political History   –    Renette Vermeulen

(Continued from the four beasts from the sea)


The Fourfold Beast has been making the World into First, Second, and Third World Countries, and now, it is making those political spheres into the last Fourth World  

Daniel and John’s vision of the masonic end-time beast, the fourfold leopard, (the combined lion, bear, and dragon,) actually represents Four Worlds, time slots, or global political models during end-time history.  These ‘worlds’ were some five centuries in the making, but they all came together by the end of the 20th century.  So, as recent as 1945 when World War Two ended and the Russian bear, communism/socialism, was unleashed upon the whole world, the prophesies surrounding the four “appointed times” in history moved into their last phase before Jesus’ return, (Dan. 11:29.) 


OneWorldNationsOnline explained, “First, Second, Third [and Fourth] World countries  are models of the geopolitical world from the time of the cold war after World War Two.”  At the end of World War Two, Russia, Britain and America split the world into East and West: two geopolitical blocks or spheres of influence with different views on politically correct society [and religion.]” 

Since then, these “Four Worlds” aligned East and West under global, One World, communist/socialist control. 

1. “The bloc of democratic-industrial countries, [scientific advanced countries within European and American influence,] are "First World" countries.  They were only termed ‘First World countries’ after World War Two.”  The First World countries were, (and some still are,) affluent, superpower, European ruled countries.  They functioned in combination with their many militarily conquered colonies; ruled by capitalist ingenuity, but originally built on physical slavery.  They placed their extremely oppressed African slaves in particular, in vast portions of the world.   However, African tribes themselves and the East as well, were also slave masters

2. “The Eastern bloc of the communist-socialist states are "Second World" countries.”  [After World War Two, the Soviet Union systematically began to make the First World countries into Second World countries; destroying them to a state between former First World prosperity and desperate Third World poverty.]  From Russia, this first spread to Eastern Europe. 

3. “The remaining three-quarters of the world's countries [became the demolished] Third World countries from across the globe.”  First, these countries were supposedly ‘liberated’ from capitalist oppression by Soviet communist expansion/imperialism/colonialism through a combination of socialist, civil chaos and brutal terrorist war.  After that, these countries were and still are gradually ‘socialized’ or economically depleted through constant civil war, government corruption, and industrial uprising. (E.g., all of Africa, Latin America, Central Pacific Oceania, Asia, Cuba, India, China, and countries in the Middle East all fell into socialist depletion.)  Allegedly, in a process of ‘rising from the communist ashes,’ (in masonic terms, ordö ab chaö or masonic order from chaos,) some of those countries are now called “Developing Countries.” This implies restoration, but it is actually a severe deterioration due to continuing socialist upheaval, crime, and the gross corruption of Government officials.  

4. The term "Fourth World” refers to a ‘borderless’ ‘one-world’ under One World Order governance, called “the global village.”  The global village consists of mostly ‘unknown nations.’ (‘cultural entities,’) of indigenous and non-indigenous peoples, (refugees from unbearable Third World countries including millions of Muslims,) who migrated “across national state boundaries.”  This one-world global village combines the First, Second, and Third World countries into the New Age, Fourth World. 

This sounds complicated, but the Fourth World is being made right now by dissolving state boundaries worldwide.  So, ‘migrants’ and dispossessed people from communist countries such as Africa, India, the Arab Emirates, Jordan, Iran, Iraq, and China, Mexico, and so forth, can flood the whole world to create a united Fourth World of different races, political ideologies, and religions. 

The rise of the Fourth World is also seen in the global dominance of ‘post-communist’ destroyed countries that have become industrial  giants since the so-called “fall of communism” at the demolishing of the Berlin Wall in 1989.  Among these count the main East-bloc counties; African countries, China, India, Japan, Cuba, and the superrich Arab Emirates; all under the wing of Russia.  Yet, in their ‘great prosperity,’ their ‘socialized,’ the economically oppressed, war-torn citizens are still fleeing from these countries by the millions.  

Not by accident, these international migrations mostly consist of Africans and the great dispersion of Indian and other Muslims from Asia and Middle-East Africa, which claim every country they infiltrate as if it always belonged to them and their god Allah. 


(Continue to the Imperialist Lion)